1 Lloyd Street
SA15 2PU
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DONT expect any help or support here!!!! Carmarthen probation services are actually manufacturing criminal's!?!? actively preventing offenders from complying with court orders, in order to gain further convictions. Blatantly for political gain or profit. Checkiut .GOV guidelines for UPW good practice guide of probation.. the document clearly shows Carm Prob doesnt come near basic practice and highlights its shocking if not criminal the activity employed.
DONT expect any help or support here!!!! Carmarthen probation services are actually manufacturing criminal's!?!? actively preventing offenders from complying with court orders, in order to gain further convictions. Blatantly for political gain or profit. Checkiut .GOV guidelines for UPW good practice guide of probation.. the document clearly shows Carm Prob doesnt come near basic practice and highlights its shocking if not criminal the activity employed.