Unit S at the maltings, Station Road
CM21 9JX
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About Us
As former police officers and fraud specialists we understand your security concerns. Emergency service personnel and Healthcare workers regularly have to work shift patterns that can leave their homes vulnerable to criminals. This can lead to the home owner feeling concerned and distracted at a time when they require complete concentration for their work.
Here's how we can help. Picture your security!
If you don't have a domestic burglar alarm (call us now.. easy)
Already have an alarm fitted but not monitored 24/7 365 days, we can help upgrade your existing alarm to a monitored status, this is more cost effective than a new alarm system (remember a bells only alarm is no more effective than a car alarm and the burglars know it)
Who is in your home or business? Picture this, from anywhere in the world.
(Should your alarm be activated our monitoring station and your iPhone or tablet will be sent live and retrospective pictures / video of the intruder (s).
Live video verification will mean the police have to attend immediately.
(Picture this, you can support the police on their approach with local knowledge and a description of the intruders).
Check out our Relative Protection page to look after the ones you love.
Our alarm systems are monitored 24/7 by a British Standard Alarm Receiving Centre or "ARC" and they can also be viewed in real time by the home owner via their mobile device creating a maximum deterrent to criminals.
Monday to Sunday
Open 24 Hours
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